Asymmetric Investing
Analyzing stocks that have an asymmetric return potential of 10x (or more) over the next decade. Subscribe for access to the research and real-money portfolio.
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Build the foundation for finding 10x stocks.
Celsius has been on a growth tear and there's no reason to think it will stop.
Artificial intelligence is a no-brainer for the rich (VCs) and talented (engineers) in Silicon Valley. What about the rest of us?
Alphabet is cheap and set to outperform big tech rivals.
Don't look at the stock price until you've done the work.
Bob Iger's last hurrah as CEO of Disney.
Scaling is starting to take hold at SoFi.
Why Spotify, Zillow, and Disney are all up big.
10x returns don't come from selling now.
Be careful with a hot stock market.
Multiple billion-dollar businesses are on the horizon...eventually.
This is rapidly becoming a platform to reckon with.
What will Warren do next?
Alphabet is winning where it matters most.
I'm selling 2 stocks and buying 6 stocks this month.
Nike and Starbucks have fallen from favor and may never recover.